Hi PaulSh
You can find out system requirements on our website - https://www.myob.com/au/support/accountants-and-bookkeepers/resources/minimum-system-requirements?_ga=2.43220519.325959866.1580874220-241142401.1580874220
I've reviewed this for you and there is a note -
** For MYOB AO sites integrating to AO Classic, Microsoft SQL Express 2008 R2 32 bit is supported on versions prior to 2017.2. For later versions SQL 2014 Express 32 bit is supported which will be supplied in the MYOB product installs. Other versions of SQL are not supported with MYOB AO.
SQL2014 Express is provided as part of the MYOB AO Full install download. When installing MYOBAO this will be automatically installed and configured for use with MYOB AO.
If migrating from another server please refer our migration notes - http://help.myob.com/wiki/x/aQZ3AQ