Forum Discussion

harjit's avatar
Contributing User
9 months ago

Unable to Match Super Payments to PaySuper Transaction

Hi there,

I have got unallocated Super Payments to be matched against the PaySuper transactions.

Somehow the related PaySuper transaction has been marked 'Complete' whereas it should be sitting as 'Pending Authorisation'. 


Not able to find out any other transaction against which the PaySuper transaction is matched.

Or maybe the transaction is matched correctly but it hasn't gone off the Unallocated list, there is some glitch somewhere.


- How do I unmatch the realted transaction and match it correctly.

- Is there any way to bring back 'Complete' PaySuper transaction to 'Pending Authorisation' status.



14 Replies

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi, harjit


    Thanks for your post, and welcome to the MYOB Community Forum.


    For us to further assist you with this, kindly send us a screenshot of the unallocated transaction and the completed super payment. Make sure to remove sensitive information before posting in the Forum.


    Regarding the super payment that is showing as completed already, it cannot be brought back to pending authorisation status as it is already authorised.


    We are looking forward to your response.


    Best regards,


    • harjit's avatar
      Contributing User

      Hi Doreen,


      Thanks for reaching me.


      Please see attached the screenshots. 


      The PaySuper transactions were created a long ago and client was matching it as they were paying but somehow these three transactions got marked as 'Completed' but hasn't matched with the transactions in reality.


      I haven't screenshot the third transaction but the payments match exactly with the Paysuper transactions.

      • Doreen_P's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi, harjit


        Thanks for your response and for providing the requested screenshot.


        Basically, to make a transaction appear so it can be matched in MYOB Business,  there are 3 requirements that need to be met:

        • The transaction needs to go to the bank account that you have set up as your bank feed account. You can check this by going into the transaction and taking a look at the account number at the top of the screen. This account number needs to be the same as the one listed in Banking>>Bank Feeds>>Account.
        • The transaction needs to have a similar date range and amount for that bank feed transaction. I would recommend finding the transaction via the Banking>>Bank Register window to check that the particular transaction has been entered correctly.
        • Finally, the transaction must not be reconciled or marked as cleared in the Banking>>Reconcile Accounts window. For example, if you open up the Banking>>Reconcile Accounts window and there is a tick next to the transaction it has been marked as cleared. This would make the transaction not be able to be matched.

        So provided that those payments impact the correct bank account, are on a suitable day, have a suitable amount and are not reconciled or marked as cleared you should be able to match that transaction. 


        Should you need further support, we are here to assist you promptly.


        Best regards,
