Forum Discussion

MINAUS's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

Inventory Report - COS account

Hi  Support.


Looking for a way I can get the COS account code to show on the Inventory Value Reconciliation report, at the moment all you can select from are the 'Available columns' list which the option to insert/Modify (adding this to the report) is unavailalbe. 


The closest I can get is the Item Register summary where I have modified a search field and manually entered to code so it can be selected, the problem with this report is it doubles up the current value if you have an item in two different locations.


Basically I need the: Item No. - Item Name - On hand amount - Current Value and the option to add a search field or even better the COS account code.


Any suggestions?



  • brunob's avatar
    MYOB Product Manager

    Hi MINAUS 


    Currently that column isn't available on that report, can you kindly explain what you are trying to achieve so we can undertand the problem you are trying to solve?




    Bruno and the inventory team

    • MINAUS's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi brunob 


      What I need to be able to do is to break the Inventory Value Reconciliation Report up according to the COS account the item is allocated to. Would be great if this was an option in the Show/Hide Columns (there is the option of Asset Account but not COS account).


      The Inventory Value Reconciliation Report needs to also have the Search Fields available also so there are more filtering options available to drill deeper into inventory items.


      Unless of course there is another report with this function that doesn't double up on the value if locations differ. Also is there an option on the Items List (summary) report for date filter? Handy report but only real time relevance -needs to be able to be date filtered.

      • SamaraM's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi MINAUS 


        It's great to see that brunob has provided assistance with this. The Inventory Value Reconciliation report is designed to reconcile the asset account for item inventory, which is why it will only allow you to order by asset account; not cost of sales account.


        There is no report with this information, but you can export it, then use the data to create a list of which items use which account through Excel or a similar program. To do this; Click your business name > Import and export data > Export> Items > Export.


        The Items List Summary report does not have a date filter as it is not a transaction report. however, if you would like to see more flexibility around that and the filters on the Inventory Value Reconciliation report you can put forward your suggestion to our developers via the MYOB Business Ideas Exchange.