Forum Discussion

hlm19's avatar
3 months ago

Change Default Contact Designation

I've just transferred over to MYOB this month and like it way better than Xero. Thank you!


I need to know, is there a way to change the default designation for Contacts to Company?  At the moment, I have to change EVERY single Customer and Supplier to a Company as it is defaulted to Individual.  99% of my contacts are Companies. 

  • Hi hlm19,


    Thanks a bunch for your awesome feedback! While there's no direct way to set the default designation for Contacts to Company, I totally get that it can be a bit of a hassle if most of your contacts are companies. We'd love it if you could share this suggestion on our Ideas board so our product development team can consider it for future updates. In the meantime, if you have any other questions, feel free to start a new post.


