Forum Discussion

djcautomotive's avatar
2 years ago

how to integrate stripe with MYOB



I am looking at becoming an MYOB customer. However, I need MYOB to integrate with Stripe as my website uses that as the payment gateway. Also I need it to integrate with invoice2go. 


Before I make the commitment to signup as a paying subscriber as I heard MYOB is better than XERO. 

4 Replies

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  • Also want to mention that I was misled and signed up with QB stating Stripe is interactable which it didn't at all 

    10 months down the drain

  • Hello djcautomotive 


    Welcome to the Community Forum.


    As the software you want to integrate is a 3rd party software, they hold any instructions on how they can be integrated. So you will need to contact Stripe and invoice2go on how they are able to integrate with the MYOB software. 



      • ChrisMYOB's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hello MicheleByfields 


        AccountRight will not natively integrate with Stripe. However, some third-party applications will allow for that functionality. Do check out the MYOB App Marketplace for a list of potential third-party applications.


        Although, it should be noted that invoices emailed out of AccountRight Online company files can have an Online Payment option to allow your customers to make payments. More information on this can be set up via Help Article: Online payments.