Forum Discussion

Minesh's avatar
Contributing User
8 months ago

unpaid bills & unpaid invoice report



I improvement request for the Software.


I am a MYOB Business Lite user and am facing this issue.


General principle of any report, if it allows you to select date(s) to display the information, it would display that information. But what I found in MYOB Business Lite version, when you goto to Report either unpaid Invoices / Bills, the information display is of what is currently due, not what you select.


Example: A company X, when you view the information via the Purchases->Bills and select a date range, it give you information as whats is outstanding and current due information. This current due information on Tile usage is good information. But if you doing accounts report and choose a certain to findout what was owed/payable as that particular date, but the report result is still the current balance owed/due then the reporting is not correct. If you compare that same with your Trail Balance report, it does not match.


So a Accountant will always prosume that the software does cater for for information, but it does not.


Look at the Attachements. 


If the there is a report which says unpaid, so means I will get information based on the date selected eventhough the bill/invoice may be due after the said date, but whatever bills/invoice which are due on that cutoff date or after should display, isn;t.


I sure others may have the same issues too.



Minesh Bhagwan

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