Paying Invoices using INTRAY - Match function not working
I am having considerable trouble with the following:
1) We are trying to go paperless so all invoices and receipts are sent to INTRAY
2) We pay the bills sitting in the INTRAY using create BILL function (not spend money).
3) Here we set up all the items (Supplier, Date due, Date Inv, Amount paid etc). At the same time we use our BANK website to pay the supplier. These fall under BILLS with a complete status in MYOB.
4) The next day when bank feeds comes in, some of them come up "possible matches" which is great. But a number of them do no show matches. Even when i search it comes up with random unrelated items.
5) This creates a duplicate payment since the original bill is paid and complete.
What is everyone doing to solve this issue. What am i doing wrong? This takes up so much time and my accontant has no idea also.