Forum Discussion

Jeff22's avatar
4 months ago

Sales figure/s not showing on GST Return

Hi There, I'm new to MYOB Business bit not to paying GST. When I put in dates for my return 1st Feb 24 to 31st March '24 only Gst on my purchases are showing. I had one payment received on 26th March but not on my report. I've check all dates and am now at a stand still as no idea why this is happening. Your help would be much appreciated. 

3 Replies

  • Hi Jeff22,


    Thank you for your post, and welcome to the Community Forum!


    To better assist you, could you please provide a screenshot of where you're not seeing the sales figures on your GST return? Additionally, it would be helpful if you could run the normal GST report and check whether it is set to capture sales figures on a cash or accrual basis. Sometimes, the setup of your GST activity statement can impact what is displayed. Once we have this information, we'll be better equipped to troubleshoot the issue and provide you with the assistance you need. 




    • Jeff22's avatar


      Hi Princess,


      Hopefully you can see my attachments. I have tried all the report options and Sales still showing as zero. Maybe its in my settings but what I have looked at seem ok but maybe I'm not looking in correct place.


      Thanks for your help.


      Cheers Jeff

      • Princess_R's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi Jeff22,


        Thank you for your response and for sharing the screenshots.


        Just a heads-up. I've removed the screenshots you shared since they contained some sensitive information. Upon digging deeper, it appears that the sales are being allocated to an expense account, which might be why they're not showing up on your GST return. To troubleshoot, try generating the GST report and widening the date range to see if these sales pop up. Also, double-check that you're using the correct accounting method, whether it's cash or accrual. For more information, please check out this Help article: Completing your GST Return.



        Feel free to respond if you need further assistance.


