Forum Discussion

ChristinaA's avatar
5 years ago

Inventory item not appearing in drop down menu when entering a new purchase


I have an inventory item(Lge Primer 401)  which has a zero balance of units on hand - This appears as zero on my Item List in the Inventory Module - so this is accurate.

Now, I have purchased more units of Lge Primer 401 from a supplier.

When I go to my purchases module to enter the bill the drop down inventory list only contains items in my inventory which have some stock on hand. The drop down menu in the purchases module DOES NOT contain any item with a zero units on hand balance.  Therefore the item I wish to replenish Lge Primer 401 DOES NOT appear in my drop down menu and therefore I am unable to add it to my inventory list.


How do I overcome this please?  I need to enter the suppliers invoice so that I can pay it and at the same time put the items into my inventory.


Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi Christina,


    Is your issue resolved as yet?

    If not, I am assuming you are using "Receive Items". I believe MYOB has a feature to hide products that have zero or less quantities in fields.


    This will be just a matter of checking that the invertory item is not marked as Inactive (this possible is still allowing you to purchase). Also check your committed levels, I have noticed in the past that sometimes this plays with the system a little bit by tricking the quantites allow it to hide due to a zero stock level.


    Not sure if this will help you but im not MYOB expert :) 

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  • detee's avatar
    Contributing User

    Hi Christina,


    Is your issue resolved as yet?

    If not, I am assuming you are using "Receive Items". I believe MYOB has a feature to hide products that have zero or less quantities in fields.


    This will be just a matter of checking that the invertory item is not marked as Inactive (this possible is still allowing you to purchase). Also check your committed levels, I have noticed in the past that sometimes this plays with the system a little bit by tricking the quantites allow it to hide due to a zero stock level.


    Not sure if this will help you but im not MYOB expert :)