Annual Leave conversion from old payroll system
- 3 months ago
Hi Kh200014
Yes - that looks correct to me. The leglislation says 4 weeks leave, so looking at the example - that employee has worked an average of 6.36 hours per week- so based on 42.92 hours owed, then this equates to 6.75 weeks. Make sure you only calculate hours to the last entitlement/anniversary date and don't include accrued hours (not due yet) as the system will work out the 8% and estimate hours owed for this as well. You will need to put in an estimate of std hours per week (I would use the 6.36 hours per week st this point. You might need to amend this during the year if it increases or decreases significantly. I would suggest that Business payroll might not be the best system to use. There are other systems that will calculate based on 8% of hours worked rather than std hours per week.