Forum Discussion

sarahh02's avatar
Experienced User
6 years ago

Setting up Annual leave for a salaried employee in MYOB Payroll 2019.1

Hi there, i have a new employee started who will be paid monthly on an annual salary.  I understand the pay code should be set to days and that pay default quantity should be 21.75 days.  How do i e...
  • jenniek's avatar
    6 years ago

    Hi sarahh02 

    You would adjust the SAL code amount by the $ amount of leave taken (whether that be sick leave of annual leave etc) - so that the total amount paid ids the same. However this would differ if the employee gets a bonus, or extra pay for some reason - which forms part of gross earnings. This will increase the average rate of pay for annual leave - so the employee could well be paid a bit more when he takes leave.