Forum Discussion

Dawn09's avatar
Experienced Cover User
6 months ago


Can anyone help me understand why out of 83 employees, I have one who has 8 wage categories not showing on the Payroll Register report.  These wage categories are applied to multiple employees, and their reports balance.  All the categories have STP allocations. He is not the only employee throughout the year to be terminated and return later in the year.  I've gone into STP and pulled up payrolls and it appears that some of his categories are not going into YTD reporting and others have put a negative figure into his YTD totals.



  • Hi Dawn09,


    Thanks for your post. If you are already in STP Phase 2 the new ATO reporting categories, like Overtime, Bonuses, Paid leave, are reported separately not included in gross payments. That's one thing to check when reconciling your payroll reports. Make sure the Payroll activity report and Payroll register report match. 


    The Terminated employees will need their termination date removed and card made active before processing that $0 pay. Once their Summary of payments report is correct you can re-enter the termination date and make the card inactive. 


    Feel free to write a post if you need further assistance.


