Forum Discussion

Accounts12341's avatar
Experienced User
2 months ago

TFN for foreign resident interfering with Super payment



I had a staff member who only worked a few shifts.  He is a foreign resident with no TFN.  As per the ATO website, I used the TFN 111 111 111 and processed his pay and he paid the higher tax rate.


When I go to process his super I get the error saying 'You need to enter a valid Tax File Number for this employee'.


He never gave me a tax file number and how he's left.  He is using his own superfund - not the business nominated fund.  Is there a way I can process his super payment?


Thanks in advance

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Accounts12341,


    The only way to process your foreign employee super would be by getting a TFN number. I recommend reading through this link to learn more about the topic. Additionally, your employee can apply for a TFN number by following this guide


