Forum Discussion

Actyve's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago

Customise Forms is greyed out

I need to verify and update some fields on my invoice form. I understand I should go to Customise Forms under the Set-up tab but this item is greyed out, so not accessible.

How do I access the invoice form?


4 Replies

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    • Actyve's avatar
      Contributing User

      I tried the instructions to clear the cache but they look incomplete. What is the next step after "open the file"??

      I tried up to the steps shown anyway but the Customise forms menu item remains greyed out. 

      Pls advise.



      • gavin12345's avatar
        Ultimate User

        Hi Actyve 


        Is it possible your permission levels set for your userid do not allow you to customise forms? - check with file administrator if not sure.


