Forum Discussion

Jenerus's avatar
3 years ago

Customising Templates (AccountRight v 2022.2

Hi - 


Can anyone help with a problem I have with customising sales templates please?  I've created an invoice template and want to customise it because we want to use several versions - a pro forma, a version with a "paid" watermark, etc.  The "base" template was used and customised to add the "paid" watermark, I used "save as" and gave the "paid" invoice template a different name.  But when we then used "send to disk" to issue an invoice using the base template (without the watermark), it created a pdf with the paid watermark.  I checked - the watermark isn't set on the base template, nor does it show up when you use print preview but it definitely and consistently produces a pdf with the watermark.  Perplexing.  So I went ahead and deleted the corrupt template, imported a "clean" version from another datafile we use, customised the text fields to suit and used "save as" to give it the name that we use for our base invoice template (which is the same as the one I deleted).  Although it said that it had saved the customised template, it still produces the same pdf with the "paid" watermark!  Is the template somehow embedded in the file??  So I deleted the corrupt file again.  Imported a new clean version and customised it.  I saved it with a different name (just in case that was the issue) but now that new customised template doesn't show at all in the list of templates!!  (I've also tried deleting the corrupt file, closing it down and re-logging on but the problem persists).  I don't know what else to try...


Actually - I believe that I've found a work around.  Although the standard templates have spaces in the template names, someone on the web said that spaces or hyphens in the template name could be a problem.  Went through the same process again and saved without spaces in the template name (it does have a hyphen).  It worked! 


Had to then export customer file, update the default inv template for all customers, import the file again and will now have to clean up the messy records but at least we can process invoices. 


Still think the process is glitchy though.