Forum Discussion

Bunny79's avatar
Experienced User
3 years ago

Daily Aging period set up

Hi MYOB Team   I had customised our ageing periods for customer statements as 30 days overdue, 60 days overdue and 60+ days overduein the 'Reports & Forms' tab in 'Preferences'   It shows in our ...
  • Steven_M's avatar
    3 years ago

    Hi Bunny79 


    Sounds more like the issue of a term than an ageing one.

    With that invoice, you brought up, what is the due date of that invoice? This can be found by opening the Invoice and selecting the Terms arrow (top right). I would have it a guess that the Terms of that invoice are COD and therefore the invoice is overdue (falls into the 1-30 days bracket of being overdue/first ageing period - 30 Days Overdue).

    If that is the case, reviewing the terms of that invoice should correct the due date and therefore the ageing on the statements. You may want to check all currently recorded invoices as well for your customers.

    Going forward, you always want to check the individual customer's card>>Selling Details>>Customer Terms Information which is where the default invoice terms come from for future invoices.