GP based on GST excl. sell and GST incl. cost
Have I done something wrong in my MYOB setup?
When I look at Business Insights Item Profit margin it shows the Sell Price excluding GST, but the Buy price is Inclusive of GST. The screen shots below all relate to the same product.
If I buy this product for 74.569 including tax, that means it’s 67.79 excluding GST
If I then sell it for 97.20 + GST my GP is 29.41
According to my calculator that means my % profit on sell price is 29.41 / 97.20 = 30.26%
According to MYOB I have made 22.631 profit which is 22.631 / 97.2 = 23.3% profit.
Can MYOB be setup to show GP exclusive of GST?
As shown in Business Insights - GP is based on GST inclusive cost and GST exclusive SellCost price includes GSTSell price excludes GST
After consulting with the Product Specialist, he confirmed that the MYOB calculation is wrong, and has been for many years, but seemed disinterested in doing any more than referring it to the development team to consider. I guess I wait and see how long, if ever, MYOB take to fix this accounting error in the Business Insights section of their accounting software.