Forum Discussion

rob_d's avatar
Experienced User
9 months ago

Long Decimal Places

We have several inventory items that have very long decimal places.


It's been a long running glitch with AR, that we have usually resolved by having to make inventory adjustments to 'zero' out the offending inventory items.


But we still have a few inventory items we can't fix.


Is there a way to fix this for current items?

And a way to fix it permanently too so it won't happen again?

8 Replies

  • Isaiah_C's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi rob_d,


    Thank you for the post and for letting us know your concern. I regret to know that you are having this kind of issue, and I'll be more than happy to help you.

    I'll be sending you a private message to assist you further.



    Please let me know if you need further help.


    Kind regards,



    • rob_d's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi Isaiah_C,   we have this issue again with one of our inventory items. It is out of stock and should show 0, but instead it's showing a number with long decimal places. Are you able to possibly run the script again please?

      • Isaiah_C's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi rob_d,


        Thank you for reaching out to us and I'm sorry to hear that you're having the same issue again. I'll be glad to help you with this. I've run a script over the file and please let me know how it goes.




        Please let me know if you need further help.


        Kind regards,



  • rob_d's avatar
    Experienced User

    Hi Isaiah_C, is it possible to request the script to be run on our file again (serial is 7043 & company ID is 9)?