Forum Discussion
Hi kyliew3,
Thanks for your post, and welcome to the community forum! We apologize for the inconvenience if you are experiencing a time-out error when you are entering data in Bills. This can be fixed by using the timeout Extender, please check out this link on how you may use the timeout extender.
Feel free to write a post if you need further assistance.
- 7 months ago
Hi Jem,
Thank you for your reply - I tried the Timeout Extender, this hasn't resolved our issue, it just extends the time my screen has the rotating circle - for a while hour instead of only a few minutes!
Which means I cannot use MYOB at all while this transaction is in progress - I am completely locked out of being able to navigate away from this window in MYOB.
As my boss is paying me hourly and I only work two days per week, we cannot afford to lose an hour of my MYOB work time while we wait for the transaction to process!!
The issue is only with that one supplier, I can enter any other bills from our other suppliers just fine.
As we have constant, inventory-tracked quick-turnover purchases from this specific supplier, I need this resolved urgently as my employer needs to be able to bill the goods to our customer.
My employer is less than happy that I cannot process these purchases quickly - they understand it is not my fault but cannot understand why MYOB cannot resolve it.
Is there another avenue I can try to have this resolved?
- 7 months ago
After almost two hours on the phone with MYOB Support, it was an "unexplainable error".
I had to backup, uninstall and then reinstall MYOB - once this was done, the error had disappeared.
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