Forum Discussion

Lesley70's avatar
3 years ago

Purchase Orders - Receiving stock


I am trying to work out a way of having online purhase orders, so when stock comes in we can receive it to make sure it is correct. The stock is for use only in the workshop so it does not go out. Is there anyway we can recieve the stock on the PO's without having them in inventory?

Also it is saying I need to link it to a liability account - what would be the correct account to bill it to?


Thanks Lesley

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  • Komal_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Lesley70 


    If you mark the item as "I buy this item", you can enter purchase orders for this item without inventorying it. However, you won't be able to receive these items using the Receive items features you can only receive items that are inventoried.


    Within AccountRight there is no option to change this. If you wanted to be able to receive the item using Receive Items, you would have to create a brand new item with I Inventory this Item ticked. You would also have to write off quantities of the stock item as you use it.


    Please feel free to post any other questions that you may have.