Forum Discussion

KiwiCaro's avatar
Trusted Cover User
5 months ago

Quote archiving

Is there a way to remove old quotes from the list displayed on invoicing? (I have seen an old message in the 'Ideas Exchange' but not sure if this has been actioned.


We've clocked up over ten years, and when invoicing it is frustrating to have to scroll through ten years worth of quotes for each of our customers (many who've been with us that long).


Alternatively, I have attempted to change the order of date and quote number in the pop up list, but this does not appear to work, even though there is a triangle which would appear to allow ascending/descending choice next to 'date' field (see on picture), which doesn't do anything to the view.


Any help aappreciated!




3 Replies

  • Hi KiwiCaro 


    Numerous things don't work so well as the volume of transactions increases. To make matters worse there is a bug in AccountRight which prevents deletion of some Quotes - it seems to think you are trying to delete an invoice.


    See for a company that can delete old quotes and orders in bulk. Other than deleting one by one (if MYOB allows you), this is the only known option.




    • KiwiCaro's avatar
      Trusted Cover User

      Thanks gavin12345  for your advice.

      Well, that's a bit annoying! Thank you anyway :)




    • Doreen_P's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi, KiwiCaro


      Thanks for your post.


      In addition to the information that Gavin provided, you can also check out the Help Article: Deleting a bill, quote or order for more information when deleting quotes. Please feel free to post again if you encounter any issues.


      Best regards,
