Forum Discussion

RayJordan's avatar
Experienced Cover User
4 days ago

Sales - Send to..

For many years I have used the "Send to" drop down to email invoices to customers. I use this method to send copies of old unpaid invoices as a reminder to the customer that maybe they should think about sending us some money.


However, today I tried and failed. First, when I went Send to, email, I got the "Any changes you have made to this sale will be saved before it is printed" and then I got the red "You can't edit sales in the lock period" message.

I am not trying, nor do I want to edit the sale. I just want to email the invoice.

This error began appearing after we upgraded AccountRight to 2024.6.0 - somebody obviously screwed something up. Please fix it.


Further, earlier in the day I clicked on a current invoice in order to print a copy. I also received a warning saying "Any changes you have made to this sale will be saved before it is printed". This has only happened previously when something has actually been changed. Again, with update 2024.6.0, this message comes up even when nothing has been changed. This is bad, it makes a person second guess whether they may have accidentally changed something without realising. Bad, bad, bad.

1 Reply

  • Yvie's avatar
    Cover User


    I have the same issue this morning as it was working well yesterday and now we cannot send invoices or print them, please MYOB help, thank you