Forum Discussion

Jillus6's avatar
Experienced User
6 months ago

Statement printing errors

I have just printed the customer activity statements for the January period, and have noticed that there is a few anomilies with them.  I set the date range that I wanted the statements to reflect, and printed them.  On matching them to the invoices for the month I noticed that there were some statements that had no activity on them and a balance of Zero.  On further inspection these customers had invoices owing for recent purchases, not included in the date range of the statements. Eg:  date range set between 1-1-24 and 1-2 24, invoice booked out on 6-2-24, so not due for payment yet.

Why are these customers included in the statement list if the activity does not fall into the date range specified.  It is frankly a waste of paper and ink to print these and then have to throw them away.

Secondly it put in the statement list an inactivated customer.  Why?



1 Reply

  • Hi Jillus6,


    Thank you for your post, and we regret the delay in responding back to your query.


    Regarding the first issue, the system includes all customers in the statement list, regardless of their activity within the specified date range. This is a default setting and is designed to provide a comprehensive view of all customers. However, I understand your point about the waste of resources when printing these statements. We are continuously working on improving our systems based on user feedback like yours.


    As for the second issue, inactivated customers should not typically appear in the statement list. This information will be relayed to the appropriate team for their awareness. If it's not too much trouble, could you please provide us with screenshots of these statements that display the inactivated customer? This would greatly aid in our further investigation. Please remove any sensitive information before posting it to the forum.


    Thank you for your understanding.


