Forum Discussion

Milspares's avatar
3 years ago

The majority of my items have inverted comma's around the Item Number and Name

Hi, I recently exported my entire items for sale into EXCEL and to change the price across the board, saved and imported back into MYOB. All of the items returned and the prices changed however the majority of items now have inverted comma's around the item name and number. Has this happened to anyone else? Can I fix? Thank you

2 Replies

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  • Hi Milspares - sorry for the late reply!


    This is certainly an odd one! You can either:


    • edit the items one by one (the slow solution)
    • export the items with inverted commas and remove them (using Excel), then import them back (the quick solution)


    • Mike_James's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Hi Milspares , this has happened because of the commas and apostrophes in those codes & names, which were probably imported via a text file at some stage. Whilst you can export/reimport a text file and change item names, you cannot change item codes that way, AccountRight will treat it as a new item, so you'll end up with a duplicate set of items. 


      Since there are not that many, edit them all manually. 


      When importing those kind of values, edit the text file before you import it, and remove all the apostrophes. But you'll need to be careful with that, as you will want to keep the apostrophes for the inch symbol. My solution for that:

      - In excel, change all the " to a unique value, eg &&

      - Before importing, edit the text file, remove all the " values, then replace all && with ".

      - Save and import 


      When importing, take a backup beforehand in case of trouble.