Forum Discussion

Zachari's avatar
Experienced User
3 years ago

Major bug - Inventory values glitched after amending invoice (both auto built and standard items)



I have encountered a serious bug that has made reporting extremely difficult. I have seen people mention these sort of bugs lately, but thought I would write down an exact example of how what it is.


When amending any invoice, the value of the items in the invoice glitches leading to an unbalanced inventory item reconciliiation report. 



Invoice was entered. At time inventory reconcilled.  There are 2 items, an autobuilt item and an item that is sold exactly as received form supplier.




On the invoice in question, there was error in payment terms. So I amended. This caused the glitch. I have also seen this when adding a job code to an existing invoice, or changing the date. These are minor amendments and don’t touch the item value at all.


Now inventory is out of balance.




To demonstrate why it is this figure, I deleted the above invoice.


Glitch 1: Autobuild Item Value

When the invoice was modified, the item built for that invoice had its value changed. Here is the build transaction.




So while the value is sitting in the inventory account, it is not allocated to the item. So now MYOB is claiming the autobuild brought the value up to 0, with 2x quantity. This is obviously incorrect, and it should be 2x at 1966.59.


What is worst, is that it changes the data from all past records, so that every time the item was sold to 0 quantity, the value is at the glitched -1966.59. This is obviously incorrect because if the item had that value in the past at 0 quantity, MYOB should’ve used it as cost of sales next time it was sold.


So the autobuild item value is -1966.59 what it should be.


Glitch 2 - Normal Item Value

The value here should be 135.21 for the 2 items per the PO. However there is a value added to the item. 428.17 is added for seemingly no reason, and I am not sure where this comes from. Here is the item in the item register compared to the PO.




Again, this happens retroactively, so all times we had 0 stock of this item, it shows the bad glitched amount of an extra 428.17. This does not match our past inventory rec reports.


So the Normal item is +428.17 what it should be.


Put the autobuild and normal item glitched values these together and you get the item out of a balance amount I showed at the start.

-1966.59 (autobuilt item understated)

+428.17 (normal item overstated)

=-1,538.42 out of balance item value vs inventory account


This means for every time an invoice is modified very slightly, we have to make a non-value adjustment to put the inventory value back into the item. In this case, here is the adjustment I needed to make.





If there is a handful of minor issues on invoices, this gets very cumbersome. It seems if the invoice is touched at all, even if it is not anything to do with the invoice value (changing payment term before sending, or adding a job code etc).


However, my biggest concern is the fact that now past reports are glitched, as items are showing up as having 0 quantity but with value in the past.


This has been happening since December 2021.


This is a very serious glitch that is causing hours of time to fix each month, and is making reporting extremely stressful. It is also a bit of a hard one to explain.


We would greatly appreciate if you could look into this.


Also, is there any way to also fix the current glitched items on our file? I recall reading about a script to rebuild a companies inventory. But that won’t stop the glitch happening in the future. Furthermore, if the script goes over our file, what should we do with all the fixing entries (as they were done in locked periods now)?


Would appreciate any insights or comments from MYOB. I hope this example helps though.


PS. For some reason the images I made aren't uploading in the message, so I added them as attachments instead.

  • Zachari's avatar
    Experienced User

    Hi MYOB,


    Any chance to get an update on this one?

  • Zachari's avatar
    Experienced User

    Hi MYOB,


    Can this be forwarded to your technical team? The glitch is major and attimes critical , is causing hours of lost time, and I spent a long time trying to document this, so would appreciate some feedback.

    • Zachari's avatar
      Experienced User

      I have spent hours on another weekend fixing these issues. Your team has not even had the courtesy to try and alleviate my issues, or advise me on what to do... The amount of stress this has caused me...I can't take this anymore.


      Please look into this glitch, and let me know what needs to be done so we can get that rebuilding fixing script run over our file.

      • Zachari's avatar
        Experienced User

        Sorry to bump this but I am not sure how else to get this thread viewed by a staff member.

  • Hi Zachery, 


    I have been experiencing the same issue as you. It is causing major issues for reporting.


    I have spoken to MYOB and they ran some scripts which have been ineffective.

    MYOB were not willing to help further or look at the stock codes individually, they advised I should simply adjust the inventory manually. I have no idea how many stock codes have been effected though?!


    Did you get a reslolution to your errors?


    Kind Regards, Debbie