Forum Discussion

KerryDe's avatar
Experienced User
3 years ago

MYOB has changed MLC super to SUNSUPER

Hi team


Not sure what has happened, but 50 odd of our employees who are with MLC have had their USI changed in the back end.  Some staff asked me why Sunsuper was appearing on their payslips.  I am the only person who does payroll & super, and I have not changed 50 odd cards to a different USI.  


The issue now is everyone of these employees have received letters & booklets in MAIL from Australian Retirement Trust (previously known as Sunsuper) with new membership numbers, asking them for their phone number and emails.   This is a breach of privacy, as the letters to the employees state that their "EMPLOYER" changed their fund!   Cant tell you how upset and panicky my employees are at this point in time.  Some of our staff have phoned MLC to be told there has been no change whatsoever.  I can assure you no one here as changed MLC for 50 odd employes to sunsuper.


Please can you please advise an ETA for this fix ASAP.  We had planned to pay June super today but lucky this was reported to us by one savvy staff member who noticed SUNSUPER on their payslip !.


thank you

  • Hi KerryDe 


    This would have happened if you had changed the fund for one of the employees with MLC Super to SUNSUPER, but following the incorrect method as explained:


    If you had changed the superfund by going to CardList >>Employees>>Payroll Details >> Superannuation and made changes to the fund record by clicking on the left hand side, then this would have affected all employee's connected to the fund record. It is shown in the image below:




    To avoid this, we recommend that the new fund is first created by :

    • Opening the Fund List (List Menu > Superannuation Funds)
    • Edit and Confirms the funds details as necessary.

    Once the fund details are all confirmed:

    • Edit the employee card and change the record that is selected using the drop down list on the right hand side.

    The left hand arrow option is there to quickly move to the super fund to check the details. This is explained in the software when you hover with your mouse over the arrow. However, I can see how this could be confusing to someone who doesn't know the right steps for changing the superfund for an employee as explained above. I have passed this on to the right team. 

  • Hi KerryDe 


    Thanks for your post. Generally speaking, the only way that this could happen would be if either someone had gone in and changed the employee’s cards or if the corresponding superannuation fund details were changed under the Lists >> Superannuation Funds.


    In terms of ensuring that it doesn’t happen again, I would start by checking all of the super funds under Lists >> Superannuation Funds. Once all of the funds have been double checked then the next step would be to ensure that all employee cards have the correct superannuation funds selected.


    When you make payments through the Pay Superannuation window and are selecting the contributions, there is a column there which will show you the names of the different super funds. It maybe worth casting your eyes down this column when selecting the contributions to ensure that all of the right super funds have been selected.


    Can I ask how some funds are changed? For example, if 1 Employee changes funds how is this proceeded in the software? If a user processed a change for 1 Employee by opening the Employee's Card File, going to the Payroll Details > Superannuation tab, clicking the Arrow next to the Superfund and editing the information here. This would override the details for ALL employees associated to the record they just opened.


    Another common scenario for these changes has been from any Data Imports over Employee Cards and it updates the information and can update the Superfund details if there is a default value here.


    Let me know if you have any further questions.

    • KerryDe's avatar
      Experienced User


      Unfortunately this issue is not resolved.


      I called the hotline on Friday night and was told there was an issue at Myob end and they were investigating.  I havent received any further responses on ETA when will be fixed.


      Regarding user entry, i am the only user, and i did update one member (who had resigned a few weeks back) who changed their super to SUNSUPER, i only updated her card profile no one elses.  So i dont understand you comment that ALL employees would be changed?  can you please advise explain further on this.




      • Yanike_S's avatar
        MYOB Staff

        Hi KerryDe 


        If you change the Superfund by using the blue arrow on the left (marked in yellow in my example below) you view the selected superannuation fund's details. If you make changes in that window, the details will change for each employee associated to that record.


        If you want to change the fund for the employee, use the drop down menu (marked in pink below).