PAY LIABILITIES - BUG in Pay Liabilities transactions
When you open an exisiting Pay Liabilities transaction (eg for super) the 'Dated From' and 'Dated to' fields show the date from and to of the last Pay Liabilities transaction rather than the one you are looking at.
eg Say I process a super payment on 10/7/23 for the period 1/4/23 to 30/6/23 then go into find transaction and open up any of them from the past they will ALL now show as being for the period 1/4/23 to 30/6/23!
A couple of years ago (might be shorter) I spend quite a bit of time with Partner Support to make ensure they understood the problem and were able to replicate it on their end. They confirmed it, they were able to re-create it, they were able to see it was not a bug in the prior version and they told me it would be fixed quick smart.
Why has this not been addressed and fixed?