Forum Discussion

litoria's avatar
Contributing Cover User
6 days ago

Payrun Payment Date

I find it very frustrating that I am unable to alter the Payrun date on a Payrun that has been created with the payment date entered for the following day. Occasionally, it would be more convenient for me to process the pays on the same day that my Assistant creates the payrun, although the paydate entered is always the following day, the usual pay date. If the payrun is a file that can be edited (as it is) I cannot understand why the actual payment date cannot be altered. We also had the situation once when the wrong date was entered and when I went to process the pays the following day I received an error message that the bank would probably not honour the payment as the date entered was a prior date. Would it be so difficult to make the Payment Date an editable field, especially when a Payrun can be saved & closed until finalised?

1 Reply

  • Jemar_C's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi litoria,


    Thank you for your post and I can see that you want to edit the payment date in the payrun. Please be advised that you can't change the payment date of a recorded pay. Instead you'll need to delete or reverse the pay then record it again with the correct payment date. Please check this link on how you may reverse or delete the payrun.


    Feel free to write a post if you need further assistance.


