Forum Discussion

ASDAccounts's avatar
Contributing User
24 days ago

Freight & GST code disappearing when processing Sales Order

When processing a sales order, after entering the freight cost it disappears when going to the next field. The GST field (where you type GST) is disappearing also. I did see on another post it could be the cache / browser but we use the program itself not the website. Thanks in adance.

2 Replies

  • Ensure that your sales order software is up-to-date with the latest patches and updates. Sometimes, simply restarting the program can resolve temporary glitches.  If the software stores local data or cache, try clearing it to see if that resolves the issue. Reach out to the software’s customer support for a solution, as they may have specific instructions or fixes for such issues. 

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi ASDAccounts


    I get how creating invoices with freight charges can be a bit tricky. It’s pretty unusual for this to happen, though. I suggest following robert2001b's advice as it might help refresh how the application works. You can also clear your AccountRight cache by following the steps in this link.


    In the meantime, feel free to start a new thread in the forum if you need any more help.


