Sally99's avatar
Cover User
13 years ago

Forms: Invoices - Show prompt payment discount amount value

We give customers a  prompt payment discount.


It would be great if we could print this on the invoice. For example, "Total if Paid Before…” I have seen other companies do this on their bills. It might help people pay us faster.



"Discount on Invoice"


  • Jaycee's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    This feature would greatly asssist our customers who have been granted early payment terms.

  • Flow's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Has anything happened with this request? I would like this too however it appears nothing has been done with this requests. Seems like common sense that if a discount is offered it can be displayed on the printed or emailed invoice. I note the Payment amount when using credit card shows the discounted amount but yet there is no way on the invoice to show what the discount amount is or the total due if paid by certain date. 

  • Flow's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi MYOB,


    PLEASE can you give us the ability to add fields to our Invoice Forms that allows us to display the prompt payment discount information?


    We need to be able to show:

      - Discount Amount (Percentage and Actual Amount as two fields)

      - Total of invoice (If paid before set date)

      - Normal Due Date AND Discount Due Date


    Currently the disount does not appear ANYWHERE on the form which makes the Prompt Payment Discount feature pointless!!


    This has been requested before but for some reason you are ignoring these requests.




  • MicahEPNZ's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Just commenting here in the hopes that this thread stays alive. This issue has plagued our business for ages. I can't believe this topic has been active since 2012 and nothing has been done. So many companies are doing this with their invoices now. MYOB is supposed to be on the leading edge.


    Please MYOB, help us out. 50+ votes certainly shows that there is a desire for this, right?? We really appreciate the option to customise the automated invoice reminders that you just launched; let's keep the momentum going!!

  • I need to be able to specify the early payment discount as a dollar amount (not a percentage). 


    With only 2 decimal points available in the early payment discount field (i.e., x.xx%), the discount will often get rounded to the wrong number.


    E.g., a $20 discount on $380 is 5.263158%.  If i use  5.26%, the discount is $19.99, if i use 5.27%, the discount is $20.03. 


    The easy fix would be to increase the number of decimal points available in the discount % field.



