Brooke_Clark's avatar
4 years ago

Jobs: Default Customer PO number



When creating a new Job number, a field that would be useful would be a 'Purchase Order' number from the client. Currently, the fields available are job number, Sub job of, job name, description, contact name, % complete, start date, finish date, manager name, Linked customer. As well as the Linked customer, an additional field named 'Purchase Order" under the Linked customer field would be useful when invoicing the job to the customer.


If other businesses agree this report would be useful, please Like/Agree/Vote with this post, and hopefully MYOB will add this in future updates.

"Job List > Add Purchase Order number field"


  • This would be great - currently I put it in the description on the first line but its own field would be fabulous!

  • I totally agree with this.  And I would also like MYOB to add the function of listing forms in alphabetical order, as we always could before!

  • Clio's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    I love it when I see my order number printed on Statements sent to me, It is the only verifiable thing on a Statement that confirms and traces the origin of a bill.

    It is rare but it is good. I would like to be able to offer this to my customers also. 

    It is also an aide to ensure that a customer is not invoiced twice for an order.

    The use of order numbers is getting more prevalent/mandatory. The start of all things is either our Quote number or their order number.

    Hence for traceability and time saving, and even job allocation I see this as a good  step forward.