Andy10's avatar
12 years ago

Report: Contact Log - Card Type filter

I was showing a client how to run contact log reports today and he was quite excited at the reporting functionality and that he could add contact information and notes against his customers.  However, it was quite cumbersome to narrow the report down between suppliers and customers.


is it possible to set up a further refinement in the advanced reporting stage, by adding another filter to the>  choose supplier or customer card type first and then you will just see the list of suppliers and/or customers and be able to select the suppliers or customers from that list?  Not sure if I have made sense, but to me this would make it much quicker when going through the list to refine the report to.


Also, my client is very keen to be able to access his Account Right file via an ipad....currently uses Account Right online via a laptop, but wants to just carry an ipad around.  Has there been any progress on an app for ipads to allow you to access your myob file?


Many Thanks,



"Contact Log Reports"


  • cas16's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Yes I need to do a customer contact report and can't get it to work without the suppliers unless I physically go in and select each customer.  Have you been able to fix this?

  • cas16's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    I was having a problem printing a contact log report for customers only;  I have solved my own problem by selecting the customers only and displaying a report then saving it as a custom report and from now on I am able to reproduce the report and just change the date of the report.  Works fine!  

  • Hi Cas16,


    Unfortunately I havent been able to get it to work need to physically select each customer!




  • Status changed:
    Thanks for the great Andy. I can certainly see how this would be a useful feature. If other users would like to see this functionality in the contact logs report, please show your support with further votes and comments.