PMVIC's avatar
MYOB Staff
9 years ago

Bank Feeds: Your Transactions - show allocation account on screen

It would be ideal if within the Bank Feeds main screen under "Your Transactions" .. please replace the "Memo" column with a column called "Allocated Account" and show which account the rule or approved transaction has actually been allocted to.


You could have the memo appear if you hover over the transaction, just swap them around. - As the work becomes more about reviewing rather than data entry, we need to be able to quickly see the account transactions have been allocated to. Having to hover over the rule applied or actually click into approved transactions and wait for another screen to apoear to see where is has been allocated is taking up valuable time. - Please fix  - request on behalf of a referring practice in South Melbourne.


"AccountRight Incorporate Allocated Account"


  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    The AccountRight browser interface will showcase the allocation account or matched transactions for the respected bank transaction.

  • I agree with this suggestion, but would like to suggest a couple of other things.


    I see that the "Your transaction" column headers are dragable, so I can't see any reason why you can't add some more columns. 


    I would like "Rule Name" and "Allocated Accounts" added to the end please. 

    If there are multiple accounts then please comma delimit them.


    This would be helpful because:

    I can see exactly which rul has been applied - Which I can't do now, and I have no idea how you can find the rule if the name has been "customised".

    You can visually check that the allocated account makes sense.


    Preferably the columns could remember their position between screen loads - but that is very low priority.





  • Further to this suggestion, it would be great to also see the GST being claimed on the entry!