designerpave1's avatar
Experienced User
12 days ago
Coming Soon


If you are setting up Online payments is there a way you can exclude BPAY so you don't incur the fees


  • Princess_R's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi designerpave1


    Thanks for reaching out about excluding BPAY from online payments to avoid fees. We've already flagged this request to our team, and it's currently in progress. Your account has been noted as one of the users requesting this feature. We've also documented your post for reference. If you have any other concerns or suggestions, feel free to share them.




    • designerpave1's avatar
      Experienced User

      Thanks for the reply Princess_R

      Upon reading more, I see this has been requested at least 2 years ago!  Is there a time frame of when this will be available.  I'm sure like others 2 options would work - able to exclude from BPay payments or the ability to surcharge the customers like the credit card options. Looks like I'll be sticking with Square until this option is fixed!

  • AmandaCL's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hey designerpave1

    We’ve taken your feedback onboard. We are working to improve online invoice payments and provide greater control when it comes to selecting your preferred payment options.


    While we are trialling this feature, if you would like the ability to remove BPAY as a payment option, please raise a support ticket via My Account.


    Once we receive your ticket, we can provide you with the ability to deselect BPAY.

    We appreciate your feedback.


    Cheers, Amanda.