RhysBrown3110's avatar
25 days ago

Can you create a scheduled job that exports data in MYOB?

Hi there


Does MYOB have the capabilities to create a scheduled job that exports standardised data in Excel, daily? I have just started with a new employer, who uses the software. I understand they currently run manual extracts, which power BI dashboards reference. Thought it would be a great opportunity to add value by automating the process, saving my employer time.


Thanks, Rhys



1 Comment

  • Shella_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi RhysBrown3110


    Thanks for your post, and welcome here in the Community Forum!


    Automating the data extraction process can indeed save a lot of time and effort. While MYOB has a range of features, the ability to schedule automated exports of data in Excel format is not currently a built-in feature of the software. 


    I understand how valuable your time is, and automating this process could be a great efficiency boost. Given this, I encourage you to please take a moment to post on the AccountRight Ideas Exchange board for consideration. You're welcome to share your thoughts with us.


    In the meantime, feel free to post again anytime you require further assistance. 



    Kind regards,
