bizzibizzigirl's avatar
10 years ago

Card: Employee - Standard Pay don't automatically refresh when wages changes are made

I use timesheets that are imported into MYOB Premier.  Prior to 1.7.14 we were using Powerpay and importing into that.


I don't use Base Hourly or Base Salary as I have a mixture of casual and full time staff so I have my own payroll items set up and have done so for years.  Obviously it was simpler process to carry the old Powerpay items into Premier.  


I have a problem when when changing an employee's base-hourly rate.  The number of hours per week (which I've now had to set to 1 for every employee as a safeguard as it won't let me put in zero), re-populate into the standard pay line.  If this isn't checked and taken back to zero, then a standard pay will be added to whatever imported hours are paid.  In some instances, an employee hasn't worked a particular week but because there was a 'standard pay' set up, he got paid.


I've missed correcting this auto population for a couple of junior staff members when base rate was increased for birthdays.  One of them still had 15hrs per week as his base number of hours.  He has now been overpaid to the tune of $2,000!!! as it wasn't picked up, even by him as he's been unwell and thankfully, not really used his bank account much.


Coming from using Powerpay where I didn't have to double check what was imported into it, I want to put in a formal request to have at least the automatic repopulation of standard pay stopped.  Perhaps if some actually like to use it and want to keep it, maybe it could be done as an option rather than automatic.  It would safeguard those who import timesheets.  I don't want to have to try and use base hourly as it will throw everything else out.


Hopefully this is something that can be considered for a future update.  Obviously not to Premier but to Accountright, which I plan to take this client across to shortly.


I'm happy to chat on the phone with someone further if more clarification is required.


Thanks for you time.  Hopefully a fix can be made :)


Lisa Conley

Rangeview Bookkeeping Solutions

Bookkeeper Partner

0402 907 394


"Payroll and Standard Pay"


  • AlanT's avatar
    Ultimate Partner



    I spoke with Dale Dixon some time back about this and suggested that when you make a change in the employee's card that will cause the standard pay to change, you should get a popup message asking if you want it to automatically change, or just leave it alone.


    Best of both worlds??




  • TCNARMCO's avatar
    Contributing User

    I also would like to see the automatic function removed.   


    We use timesheets.  I employ multiple bookkeepers.  Every time I have a new bookkeeper learning to process wages in AccountRight, and a new employee card file is created they invaribly fail to go to 'Standard pay' section and '0' the automatic hours.  (Yes I coach them to look out for this!)  This results in the new employee bieng 76 hours overpaid.  It has happened with multiple bookkeepers over many years. 

    It also happens each time a cardfile wage rates are modified, (eg annual payrises).   It is all very well to tell bookkeepers they need to always remember to go in to standard pay and '0' each time.  However it reality it does get missed and on several occasions has resulted in employees being overpaid 76 hours.  Nothing worse that trying to recoup overpaid wages. More frustrating when the bookkeepers have not made a mistake as such, rather, the problem is create by MYOB automatic updating of standard pay.

    Even if the error is picked up before wages are paid to the bank, deleting an electronic payment through bank register; reversing the pay (essential due to STP); amending the card file; reprocessing the wage; reprocessing the electronic payment to get an .ABA bank file is time consuming.   All this could be avoided if there was no automatic population in the standard hours section.


    I and our bookkeepers will be very happy when this automatic function is removed. (praying hands)

  • katlouhen's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    I also am surprised this has not been changed yet so that we have a choice.  I pity anyone with a lot of Employees, as it is time consuming to go through each employee one by one.  Surely It wouldn't be that difficult to change or give an option?

  • Carly21's avatar
    Contributing User

    Hi, this issue is still ongoing and also causing a lot of issues for our business. 
    We have a lot of staff and when everyone is auto-populating with 38hrs then it is incredibly time consuming to manually change them all back to 0.

    Has a fix been created yet?

  • TCNARMCO's avatar
    Contributing User

    Hi   Just a reminder that if this issue is still a frustration for your business, perhaps ask your colleagues or subscribers to vote on the first link above and add their comments below.


  • FreedomTas's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    A way I got around it was jobbing. I go into Standard pay and job every line except for base hourly. That way if something triggers it, then I can go back in and delete what is in there. 


    I also reduced the hours to 0.001 that way, if I do miss it, it is only paying 2 cents. 


    Hope this helps. 

  • SDuddy's avatar
    Experienced User

    This is ridiculous.  I have some operational employees paid off a timesheet because their hours of work varies and others in admin who only get a standard pay.  I delete off the standard pay details when I set up new operational employees.

    I had to make some changes to pay rates, and set up new payroll categories.  MYOB just decided to recreate standard pay details for my operational employees.

    I had to restart a pay run 5 times today to go out and fix this up, and something that should take an hour has taken all morning.

    Software is supposed to make the processs more efficient, but MYOB seems to have forgotten that.

  • katlouhen's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Hi there, I'm actually surprised that this hasn't been rectified yet. You would imagine it wouldn't be that hard to give users a choice.