rusty192's avatar
Trusted Cover User
13 years ago

Display: Increase font size

might be ok for younger eye's, spare a thought for the older generation.

Why the hell has the ability to change fonts gone & window sizes. Now the only way to make this stupid program readable is to redoo the screen resolution,


Even MS excel has the ability to zoom, might be time to dump MYOB me thinks!!

"small fonts & window sizing"


  • DeanG's avatar
    Trusted User

    Bring back the option to change the font size, previously in v19 as Setup > preferences > Windows > window button

    • HosDes's avatar
      Cover User

      When are you going to revert back to the ability to change the font size, this is preventing us moving to the online version, it is near impossible to read?

    • FB's avatar
      Contributing Partner

      Dear MYOB Developers,


      Have just upgraded from Account Right Premier V 19.11 to Accountright 2015.3 - some of the features have actually been DOWNGRADED !!


      Why can't the fonts be customised????? They are tooo small .... there are also other features that have been dropped such as having to tick " show closed invoices" everytime. In the old system this only had to be done the one time and they would always show them.


      The fonts are too small especially with the colour scheme - eg Bank Reconcilliation comes up purple and mauve which is hard on the eyes, please, please bring back the grey toned  colour schemes used in the Account Right Premier V 19.11 before we all go blind.


      I know that there are many users who are of the same opinion and I think this may be another reason why they may consider moving to one of your competitors.


      Please consider those users that do not have 20- 20 vision and keep me updated as to the progress of these changes, with the customisation of the fonts being the most vital.


      Thank you



      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi FB


        To vote for an idea you select the + VOTE button to the left of the idea's name. The button will change to show that you have voted.

        Attachments - Copy (2).PNGAttachments - Copy.PNG

        I've checked and you have voted for each of the above ideas.

    • MyAccountsHat's avatar
      Experienced Cover User



      I've been using MYOB for around 2 years now and while (generally) I've found the transition from the accounting software I've had experience of has been quite intuitive there's one thing that drives me crazy about the software and that's  customisation options for the way it displays.  I don't like to have to change my screen resolution to make anything on screen readable to me, I much prefer that such options are available in the programs I'm using.  Something as simple as being able to change the font size would be excellent.  As it is I'm having to use magnification software just to use the program, which is not ideal and not good from a privacy perspective.


      Please look at implementing some functionality options in your ucoming releases.



  • asstevens86's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    hi, have already commented above re: my use on a 23 inch screen.  Please spare a thought for my partner who *WAS* trying to use this on an 11 inch screen!!  needless to say, we've given up.  it is impossible to read fonts that ends up less than 2mm high on this screen (it is windows 8, so we are limited to the Smaller Windows font size, otherwise we lose parts of windows etc - see support note regarding display issues in Accountright 2011 

    Now, the whole reason for changing from Quickbooks to MYOB (being the ability to check in and check out files between my partner and myself, for example he checks the file out to take with him whilst on the road servicing, so that he can prepare invoices etc.) is moot - he can't read the screen & therefore has reverted to using yet another app on his ipad to prepare invoices, which I then have to re-enter in to MYOB and hope that he has chosen the correct item code in the app (the app has a product listing, but no inventory management)! 

    please, please, please consider (&implement) whatever is necessary so that people can use this software, regardless of the screen size!  The other idiosyncrasies of AR Live 2012/13 (as compared to v19) are workable, but this is just physically impossible to work with.


  • Has this problem been fixed yet? Very hard on the eyes especially when working with MYOB all day.


  • asstevens86's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    totally agree with the above - I have a large 23 inch screen so that I can have a larger windows font size, and still be able to display a fair amount of info on the screen.  Now that I am restricted to small font size to be able to read MYOB, I am straining to read the detail on the screen.

  • I am an accountant using MYOB for 5 clients and its getting to th stage where I want to dump the software and go onto QuickBooks. No problems at all with their software. The fonts in MYOb are so small to see and changing the windows definations does nothing. My eys are so sore from trying to read the data, and other areas of MYOB such as the help screen is so mumbled jumbled its impossible to read - Het guys here we are close to 2013 and your clients are screaming out for help.


    I am sure that others have the same problem?? We all pay through our nose for this software and expect something a little better that what we have now


    Barry Roper


  • Status changed:
    Reading the thread I think what this idea is about is making MYOB DPI aware so that the default fonts are readable. Is that right? Could you all please vote on this feature so we can rate it's importance relative to others in the list?
  • Hi Rusty


    Thank you for the feedback you have provided. I agree that having the ability to change window font size is a handy feature to have and I have passed this onto our Product Development team.


    It is possible to change the window sizes (however, I understand this does not enlarge the font size) and have the Windows Setup Preference to "Save Window Sizes and Locations" for future uses. Hopefully, this will make the transaction windows less cluttered and more spread out.


    • Julie_A_C's avatar

      Hi Leeya


      You don't seem to be able to resize the command centre window though.  I use the reduce window size, which brings it down to about 3/4 of a full window, but gives me a scroll bar, which I don't want and I can't resize it using the cursor (all other windows I can eg. spend money, enter bills etc)


      There also seems to be a print problem.  In all other versions I have printed my invoices when recorded, I then choose to print 2 in my print preference which has always worked.  This version only prints one no matter how many I tell the printer I want.


      I do not want to go through the print/email invoice option after recording my invoice I want to have printing automatic.

      • Leeya's avatar
        MYOB Staff

        Hi Julie


        I apologise, I should have clarified further. The command center is a default window and its size cannot be changed at this point. Most other windows can be enlarged by clicking and dragging the bottom right hand corner of the window.


        The printing issue is another one that has been brought to the attention of the Product Development team. They are still testing this one so the fix should developed soon.


        Thank you for your patience in this and many other matters relating to the release.

  • Teddy62's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    Hi Rusty,


    I have problems with the font size too and am frustrated that there is no way around it.  Be careful with adjusting the screen resolution to compensate because when I did this the Business Insights function stopped working ( some weird error message because MYOB 2011 is not "DPI aware").  Hopefully you don't get the same problem.  I hope MYOB develop an update to bring back the ability to change font size soon.



