Rhyder's avatar
Cover User
10 years ago

Forms: (Item) Invoices- Show leading zero in quantities

MYOB V19, when you printed invoices showed figures less than 1 (eg 0.5) as 0.5 when the invoice printed or was emailed.  Account right 2014 shows as 0.5 when you enter, but only will print and email as .5     This looks untidy and is confusing.  Please reinstate the 0. for printing.


"Invoicing with 0. amounts in shipping column"

  • Kelly81's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I would like this to only be available as an option not as a fixture.

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status removed:

    Thanks for your suggestion Rhyder AccountRight 2014.4 should display the leading zero.

    If you've found that it hasn't, open your Windows control panel. In Windows 7 you can do this by selecting control panel from the start menu. In Windows 8 bring your mouse down to the bottom right hand corner of the screen and click then click settings. Here click control panel.


    Next click region and language. Here click the formats tab and then click additional settings in display leading zeros, make sure that the zero is displayed. You may need to restart your machine before this takes effect. Also please go to the form customisation Window and check the width of the shipping column.

  •  Thanks for this Liam_M  Have tried your suggestions, the 0. shows on the screen, but still does not print in hard copy.



  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hello Rhyder 

    Can you please try printing using the plain-paper invoice. Does it print without the leading zeros when you do this? Can you please also try printing an invoice from the clearwater sample company to see if the issue occurs here as well. To do this go open AccountRight and click 'explore a sample company.' Select Clearwater Plus.

  • Hi, Liam_M, 


    Your are right when I use the plain-paper invoice.  It is obviously an issue when we transferred over our customised forms.


    Many thanks,



  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hello Rhyder 


    Thanks for getting back to us. You're correct that it would be an issue with the transfered form. Thank you for making us aware of this. Unfortunately the only way to correct this would be to recreate the form starting from a plain paper invoice.




    MYOB Support

  • Status added:

    Hi Everyone

    Invoices created from AccountRight 2014.4 onwards would contain the leading zero in the quantities