stroltz's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Import/Export Assistant: Default settings



Every day we import sales data using the import/export assistant.


It would really save time if one could save some default settings.


So on the first page we alays have to click import data.

On page 2 we alwsys have to click sales and then service sales, and then we have to select the same file from the same location. (our excel macro that makes the data nice and friendly makes the same file in the same location each time)

On page 3 we have to change the first line contains to data

On page 4 we always click match all

On page 5 we click import.


It would save so much time if MYOB could remember just a few of these settings, or in preferences allow you to set some defaults so that you don't need so many clicks each import.


 "Default settings for import/export assistant"


  • coffeepapercups's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    We are in 2021 and i cant believe this still hasn't been implemented.


    I order my fields in the way i want them exported to excel and have to do this monthly but every time i have to do the labourious process to select fields and re-order them why give a functionality that cannot be saved.



    Please if anyone else has a solution may be I am missing something.

  • stroltz's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    There is a short answer;

    MYOB just does not care. They would rather jack up the price every year.

    The suggestion support forum is full of little sugesitons that would be so easy and cheap for myob to impliment, and make MYOB so much easier to use.

    This is a classic example.

  • H-TS's avatar
    Trusted User

    Another vote from me. I'd love to be able to save a few different export selection "sets" like we can the custom reports. It's particularly frustrating when you can't find the field you want since there's no way to search the available fields either (that I've found). 


    So it's not quite the same as the OP request to save default settings, but to save the selected fields etc as well... Won't hold my breath.