JaredAdamson's avatar
Contributing Cover User
6 years ago

Import/Export Assistant: Inventory count/values

I am sure there a thousands of customers who are being forced to retire their MYOB AccountRight file and migrate all their data to a new file. Supposely when upgrading from Premier v19 to the AccountRight (Cloud) the data migration proccess has taken a pile of data that is now slowing down our files. :(


The fact the MYOB has not come to the party on this and small business around Australia & New Zealand are forking out thousand of hours/dollars of uneccessary work.


This proccess could be seamless! Without having to maunually enter data!!!


MYOB needs to implement the following or employ as specialist data team to migrate data:


Export/Import Inventory Count / Values (Can be done at the moment but not basic due to rounding issues and secondary adjustments have to be made).

Export/Import Auto-Build information and assign to Items (Imported after all ITEMS have been successfully imported)

Import Pre-Conversion Sales/Purchases (Template should be downloadable from the a support note)


The three basic features can save small business owners thousands of dollars for which MYOB should be liable for.


"More Import / Export Functionality - Data Migration"

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