PayrollHelp2's avatar
Cover User
12 years ago

Payroll: Child Support Protected Earnings

It would help if in a future MYOB releave that a standard payroll category deduction was created for Child Support payments which includes the Government stipulated Protected Earnings threhhold.


If that happened then the Child Support amount could be entered for each employee and if they earn less than the protected earnings threshold, then the Child Support would not automatically deduct.


Seeing that a large number of people are subject to Child Support payments, and that many employees are now Part Time or Casual, this really should be a standard MYOB feature.


"Child Support Protected Earnings"


  • Hi,

    It would be handy to have an area to set 'protected eanrings' when setting up a child support deduction. As it stands at the moment i need to remember that employee's protected earnings amount and ensure i manually stop the deduction if he has not earned over that amount.

    Many years ago MYOB had that feature, not sure why they got rid of it

  • AnnBowen76's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    It is 2020 and still there is no protected earnings set up in payroll. This is a necessary implementation as many employees are casual workers whose pay fluctuates with each week's earnings. 

  • MonaMiller's avatar
    Contributing User

    I see on two community posts regarding setting up the Child Support Protected Earnings amount in Australia that MYOB has decided to ignore the requests of their clients.  Surely after 11 years since this post on August 2013 you would have considered the request as being necessary.  You have introduced the ability to send information to the ATO, Services Australia via a portal but not capable of creating this minor fix.


     Current Status: Open
    Last Changed: August 2013

    Thanks for the fantastic idea. We would love for other users to vote and leave further comments.

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi, MonaMiller


    Thanks for your post.


    Your feedback is duly noted. Rest assured, we take your suggestion seriously, and we will bring it to the attention of our development team for further consideration. While we cannot guarantee immediate implementation, your input is valuable in shaping the future enhancements of our platform.


    If you have any additional insights or suggestions, please feel free to share them with us. Your feedback is instrumental in helping us make the necessary improvements.


    Thank you once again for your continued support and for bringing this matter to our attention.


    Best regards,
