6203's avatar
Experienced Cover User
9 years ago

Payroll: Standard employee card setup

Would you please have the option to set up a standard employee in the payroll.  By this, I mean, that once a standard employee is set up, it can then be used as the base for real employees to be set up.  This would save me a lot of data entry input, as we employ a lot of casual employees - which means there are a lot of employees to be set up and a lot of their set-up is the same as each other.


The things that could be set-up as standard:  employment basis, employment category, employment status, employment classification, payslip delivery, pay basis, hourly rate, the wages categories, superannuation, standard pay.





'Standard Employee set-up"


  • HeatherDBS's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I agree the system is flawed. 2 votes or 2,000 votes. No difference. Other ideas have been "planned" since 2013 and still not implemented. I wish the resources put into developing and monitoring this forum had been put into customer support and product development instead. We used to make suggestions (to be ignored) via email anyway so the powers that be and decision makers were still receiving the feedback... I'm sure you can imagine my joy (sarcasm intended) when a post  earns me another badge in the forum.

  • 6203's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Well - it hasn't been taken up by MYOB as an idea.  MYOB has this view that if only a few people 'like' the suggestion then it isn't needed.  I say this is a very flawed means of judging suggestions.  Who has the time to regularly visit this website to vote on ideas?  What a nonsense. 


    Call me biased, but I think the above idea is an excellent one!  It would save me a lot of time and so there would have to be many others who are the same.

  • HeatherDBS's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I love this idea and wish I'd thought of it myself. I hate having to go back and check existing employees and doing screenshots so I make sure I have all the right boxes and exceptions ticked.