ActionCranes's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Print/Email Invoices: Filter by identifiers

When I print or email statements I can filter by identifiers but I can't do this for print or email invoices. Please can this be set up?


Also can you set up identifiers to include or exclude an identifier.


"Using identifiers"


  • ELVS's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Add filters for identifiers and custom lists to the print/email invoices section, like it is for the print/email statements.


    Also, having options to send all invoices for the one customer on a single email or as a single pdf would be good. Customers complain about the number of emails received because each invoice is on a seperate email. This is even worse with large mutli-branch customers as each branch is a seperate card.

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Thanks for the great suggestion. Anyone who would like to see filters on the other print/email screens (such as print/email invoices), please cast your vote here. Please add a comment if you have more information to add. For instance the print/email statements screen also allows custom lists to be used. Would you also like to see the functionality in print/email invoices? Would you like to see these options bought into other print/email screens as well, such as purchases orders, remittance advices and payslips?