ruth_mbj3's avatar
Cover User
10 years ago

Print/Email Invoices: Set default Sales Status

I have several people using MYOB at any one time.  As they need to print different types of documents, invoices, orders and quotes is it possible each user could set a default document in the print option and it remain there when that user opens in the morning?



1 Comment

  • Status changed:

    Hi ruth_mbj3

    Currently the user access allow for the printing of all invoices not just quotes, order or invoices. You can go to Sales>>Print/Email Invoices>>Advance filters and change the Sale Status to be the required option. However this is not a user specific setting, so when you close the file this information is loss and then goes back to the default of invoice.

    I would encourage other users that would like to see the option of setting a print option for each user based on sale status to vote and comment if required for this idea.