AFS's avatar
Cover User
12 years ago

Purchases: Pay Bills - Print cheque closes window automatically

Can you please revert back to previous versions of MYOB that did not close the "Pay Bill" window every time you choose to print a cheque.


This is very time consuming when you are trying to pay multiple suppliers and have to reopen the pay bill window every time - this version of AR 2013 is automatically closing the window.:smileysad:


"Stop "Pay Bills" Window from closing automatically"


  • Would love for there to be a way to stop the "print/Email invoices" window from closing each time too, i usually have to print AND email invoices and it's very annoying to have to go and open it again every time

  • CloverQ's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi Sonia72,


    Just a thought, one way you could consider doing is set the default Invoice Delivery method to 'To be Printed and Emailed' in the customer card, then once you've emailed the invoice you can go to Print/Email Invoices > To be Printed to print all invoices in one go. 


    Hope it helps. 

  • OMG PLEEEEEEASE ..... it is taking me about 2 hours longer to do at x120 cheque run having to reopen Pay Bills after every cheque