JoanneZed's avatar
Cover User
11 years ago

Purchases: Require authorisation/approval to record

Please add in the ability for a manager to authorise purchase orders electronically.  This would have to be added into the settings of the particular user.   The Authorisation would have to be able to be printed onto the purchase order.


"Purchase order - authorisation"


  • GlenRed's avatar
    Experienced Cover User


    When enlarging a document in the in tray - would it be possible to add a button for authorisation.

    Before paying our invoices, I need them to be authorised by certain staff members.

    At the moment I print them out and get them to sign the copy. 

    It would be great if they could log in and authorise them in the in tray, so when I go to the in tray I can create new bill for all those authorised. 

    So there would need to be a tag or something to show which user authorised the invoice.

    This way the invoice is stored and the authorisation to pay it.

    Hope this makes sense.

    Thank you


  • YES!!! there should be the option for any user to input a purchase order but not be able to print or email it until a supervisor or high level user authorises it. The same should be applied to invoices, where anyone can enter an invoice but they must be approved by a high level user (as set in user settings) before they can be paid.

  • DerekM's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Similar, but I would like it to work with invoices, so that one person can enter an invoice but it goes no further until authorised.

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status added:

    Thank you for your suggestion. Anyone who would like to be able to set it so that purchases have to be authorised, by users with a specific access level before being paid, please cast your vote here.

  • DerekM's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    We have several people involved in this process.

    1) Enters the invoice.

    2) Authorises the invoice.

    3) Organises it and pays it.


    At the moment there is no easy way to do step 2.  I would like a process where invoices entered by certain users go to an "authorisation page", where those allowed to authorise can do so.


    I would even like a "checked" stage before the authorisation for someone to double check what has been entered.


    Lastly I would like people to only be able to authorise invoices that belong to certain jobs.

  • I assume Joanne is referring to the ability to authorise an order or invoice, i.e. user set ups determine who has authority to do this, and then once authorised it shows on the invoice as being "authorised".


    I think this is a great feature. That way staff can do the invoice and it's a simple process to authorise and easily shows who has authorised it.


    Is this what you meant?

  • Status removed:
    Thank you for the feedback, something I would just like to be clear on with this, what exactly is the manager authorising in terms of the Purchase Order in AccountRight? The current system will allow any Purchases User ID to record a Purchase Order.