Matt_Rogaloff's avatar
Contributing Cover User
10 years ago

Receive Payments: Ability to receive a payment in bulk from multiple debtors into the one account



i would like to put  forward the idea of "bulk receiveing payments" from multiple debtors into an account.


To put into context, we run an online business where we get several sales a day via our website and ebay. 
We load our customers individually (onto separate cards) and many of our customers are also repeat.

From the invoices we naturally receive a number of payments each day - going (usually) to the same accout - be it paypal, chequing account etc etc. 

It would be handy and very time effective to be able to "select" all debtors who have paid into the same account on a particular day and "process" with one click of a button. 


From a back end persepctive effectively it is selecting multiple trade debtors (DR) and allocating to an asset account (CR) in one move rather than doing this individually.

NB. Emailing the invoices is not important to us - as we print and enclose with our packages.


Any work around or implementation would be greatly appreciated! :)


Best regards,



"Bulk Receiving of Payments"

  • tjejojyj's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    We are going to import payments soon so here my solution to the problem of single payments for muliple invoices is as follows:


    1. apply each payment in turn to the invoice but make the payment receipted to the "1-1140 Undeposited Funds" account (or equivalent)


    2. import a GJ for each batch of payments with the total payment amount and the following account allocation:    

                        CR  1-1140 Undeposit Funds   xxx.xx

                        DR  1-1105 Cheque Account   xxx.xx


    3. Go into "Prepare Bank Deposit" on the "Banking" command centre.  Since the GJ must exactly match the payments applied you can just tick all and they will net to $0.00 then write in the memo: "Debtor payments batching" or something else to your preference and record the transaction.


    I will set up Excel spreadsheets to work out the fields and the accounts then a macro to auto  save the .csv files so they are ready for import.


    I can't see why this wouldn't work but please let me know if there is any flaw.




  • I read your previous answer in reply to above question. However according to the method you have shown, you need to apply certain amount with one customer and record it and Select another customer (on new window/page) and repeat the same process. This doesn't help and it consume lot of time. If you have received a bulk amount which you need to apply over multiple customers on multiple invoices raised on a particular date for which that bulk amount belongs to, then you should have the facility to select multiple customers and all the invoices belong to those customers should show up on one screen which allows you to apply the bulk payment over the invoices raised on one particular date over multiple customers in one shot which save lots of time and very easy to reconcile the bank rec because exactly the same bulk amount show up in the cash book . I have seen this facility is there in some software such as Micropower Accounting system, Appreciate if you could improve MYOB like that which is massive helpful. thanks

    "allocating a single payment for multiple customer"

    • SNPPL's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      And vice-versa for supplier payments.

    • BookeeperKC's avatar
      Cover User

      It would be great if you could select mutilple customers in the receive payments screen, not just the one customer. I had a payment for one property with 3 units on it and 3 seperate owners. I had to use undeposited funds and then prepare a bank deposit. If I went into receive payments and it allowed me to see ALL customers not just one selected customer, then I would have been able to allocated the full payment received to the 3 seperate invoices as if it were under the one customer. Not sure if this is being looked at but it would be great if it was! 

    • Mrglen's avatar
      Cover User

      This would be awesome.

      My customers are various business's that pay my bills via their holding company.

      One whole payment across many invoices. Doing so sure does benefit them in time, not me though.

      Come on MYOB, lets get it done for your customers (ie me!)

  • Status changed:

    Hi Matt_Rogaloff 

    Thank you for your idea in regards to AccountRight and doing bulk payments. 

    Currently invoice payments do need to do one by one. I couldn't think of a workaround that would allow you to record those payments faster/ in bulk. However someone may have a workaround that they use and I would encourage them to share.

    Along with that I would encourage others to vote and comment if required for this idea if they would like to see bulk payments for customers added