TrudiW's avatar
Contributing Cover User
10 years ago

Receive Payments: Automatically add hyphen to BSB entry

We used to be able to enter a cheque BSB number and it would be accepted. Now we have ensure the hyphen is in the right place yet in other areas of MYOB this is not the case (i.e. the hyphen enters itself). Can you please re-enable the MYOB to format the BSB itself as this is just one of those really frustrating little annoyances about the live version. One less frustration with the live version would be great.


"BSB Entry Improvement"


  • David_Cree's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hello Trudi,

    I fully agree.

    this missing feature is a real PITA.

    I would love to see it fixed to work as v19.



  • TrudiW's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Sorry I did not clarify that as in some windows it does work (such as Supplier bank details). I am referring to Receive Payments and/ or Receive Money when entering a cheque details. I put in the 6 digits (usually looking at the cheque) and a red cross appears telling me it is incorrect. In previous versions this was not an issue as the hyphen would place itself. Only a little thing but nevertheless frustrating. Thanks for your response.

  • Status removed:

    Hi TrudiW 

    Thank you for your idea in regards to AccountRight Live and entering of BSB numbers.

    Is there a particular window that you are referring to when it not populating the BSB number with hyphens?

  • SammiB's avatar
    Trusted Partner

    A suggestion from Helen, one of our clients.


    When you put bank details into MYOB perhaps they could make it uniform on how it is entered.


    ie In the supplier cards, the dash is automatically put into the bsb details area, but not in the customer cards or when you receive a payment, say a chq and you want to enter the chq details, you have to put in the dash otherwise it comes up with an error. 


    Even though it seems to be a little thing, keeping it the same is easier. And this has certainly frustrated our client. 


  • Niccoach's avatar
    Experienced Cover User
    Subject : Preparation of Bank Deposit Description: Can I please request for your next update that when you are doing a receive payment by cheque - in the details section, can we please have a default dash, so that we only have to enter the bsb numerals and not the dash
    • Sue0908's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      When typing in the cheque details when receipting a payment the BSB now needs to have the dash typed in.  This is only a small problem but it can be a pain.  Can the fields that require BSB's automatically include the dash without it being typed.  I believe that the dash is not required to be typed when filling in the account details in a card file for a supplier.