BA's avatar
Trusted Cover User
12 years ago

Recurring Transactions: Record on due date, not when file is opened

The functionality of MYOB AccountRight offers to record Recurring Entries automatically on a due date. However,  if the file is not opened on the due date next time the file is opened the system date is used instead of the nominated date.


Can a fix be considered please?


  • The only request I have made of MYOB is to change the auto recording of transactions so they post on the due date  and not on the date you subsequently open the program.


    Has this been actioned yet?   it is extremely frustrating for a small business - especially when you go away on annual holidays and face a multitude of postings all with posting dates being the day you got back from holidays!!!

  • Hi Dabel


    Thank you for your comments in regards to this idea.

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  • This is not an option.  It is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.


    MYOB is supposed to cater for small businesses.  If they have accountants working for them at all they are not always full time.  So it is essential that after someone has gone to the trouble to indicae the due dates and frequency for recurring transactions that they will post using that information no matter when the accounts are next opened.  Cost me 2 days work after I returned from holidays to correct.

  • Status changed:
    Hi BA, thank you for your suggestion. This is something we have received a fair amount of feedback on and will certainly consider it as an improvement to add into a future release.
  • I open my MYOB AR Std on average once a week or even less often to do my accounts. And I've got a list of recurring transactions which fall on different days - like insurance, mortgage repayments, etc. The problem is that the recurring transactions are automatically recorded with the date I open MYOB, not with the date when they were due. That makes matching with bank statements quite a challenge - yes I know I can click on each automatically recorded transaction and change the date but for that I need to know when it was due - was it yesterday? Was it on Monday? And also that only works for Spend money / Receive money, not for Transfer between accounts (e.g. for mortgage repayments) - those dates can't be changed and the transaction has to be deleted and re-entered.


    For example an insurance payment goes out every 2 weeks on Thursday - 15/08, 29/08, 12/09, etc. and as such is set in the recurring transactions list. Today I opened MYOB and the payments were all recorded with today's date (13/09) instead of 15/08, 29/08 and 12/09. That makes the automatic recording pretty useless.


    Can MYOB please support recording on the due date? Maybe there can be a switch to turn it on/off for people who prefer the current behaviour.



    • Steven_M's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi hughesg


      Thank you for your additional feedback in regards to this idea and pointing out the tool tip information to make sure that is looked into as well.

    • hughesg's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      If you have recurring transactions that are set to occur monthly you can select : Automatically record this transaction when due.


      When I hover over that field there is a tool tip that says:


         Automatically record this transaction when due.

         Automatically record the transaction on it's due date and be notified when opening the company file.


      But that is not what happens.


      If you don't open MYOB for a week - then MYOB actually records the transaction using the date that you open MYOB.


      It seems that either your tool tip is wrong - or your software is using the wrong date.