VirginiaN's avatar
3 years ago

Report: Job Activity [Detail] - Show individual transactional lines for same job (No consolidation)

I have just migrated to from AccountEdge Pro to AccountRight.

When running the job activity report, a purchase with multiple line items under the same cost centre, the report automatically consolidates the amount to one number.  For example, when entering a 30 day account with multiple purchases on that 30 day account, I enter it in on one Purchase so that I can make sure that then the Statement they send me matches the purchases I have entered. I could then run a report for each job, to see what invoices have come in for that job, but when those purchases are under the same cost centre, it automically adds the numbers together.  This functionality of indiviual items coming up in the 'detail report' is a functionality that I use all the time especially when giving clients reports on their expenses and they could easily marry that up to the actualy invoices I provide to them.  Will MYOB be resolving this soon as it is essential to our business and entering each invoice seperatley is uncesseary time wasted and will make reconilliation of 30 day account increadibly difficult.

"Job Activity Detail Report"

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